COVID-19 report, 1 October

The University has 23 confirmed cases of COVID-19 to report from last week, 8 among students and 15 among employees.

This week has otherwise been dominated by the removal of the final restrictions, for those who are fully vaccinated, on 29 September.

If you are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19, the Public Health Agency's general guidelines still apply, which in short means that you, when possible, should:

  • Keep a distance from other people
  • Avoid close contact with people in a risk group, and people who are aged 70 and over

Remember that vaccination is the best way to avoid serious illness and the spread of COVID-19.

Infection status report

The infection situation in brief is as follows: as of 1 October there have been 1,102 confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Uppsala University, since the start of the 2020 autumn semester.

This figure breaks down as follows:

  • 832 students (+8)
  • 270 employees (+15)
    • (Beginning in the 2021 autumn semester, the statistics for doctoral students are included in the statistics for employees.)

Keep yourself updated on the latest guidelines and recommendations.

