COVID-19 report, 21 January

The speed and spread of COVID-19 is also reflected in the University's own self-reporting system. Last week, the University received 198 self-reports, compared to 107 the week before.

These self-reports are distributed among 118 students and 80 staff members.

"Despite a high figure - the university's highest so far, it follows the spread of infection in society in general", says the University's head of security Fredrik Blomqvist.

The University continues to follow the government's and the Public Health Agency's recommendations for higher education, which include on-site education as a priority.

The focus on the pandemic has shifted from being almost exclusively about serious illness and the strain on the healthcare system, to the challenge of staffing essential community services. The activities of the University do not constitute critical activities.
For details of what constitutes a critical activity, see information from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).

Based on the above-mentioned challenges regarding the staffing of socially important activities, on 20 January the Public Health Agency issued new recommendations on what applies in the case of quarantine and testing.

Report infection

Anonymous self-reporting system for students and staff with confirmed COVID-19.

