Is this programme right for you?

Seemal, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Seemal Aziz
From: Pakistan

In addition to the excellent standard of education, I have been exposed to people from many different countries which has helped broaden my vision.

How did you choose your programme?
– Being from a medical background, I was always fascinated by the research that forms the basis of medicine. I wanted to know what happens “behind the scenes” in laboratories and how scientists contribute to our knowledge. For this reason, it was natural for me to select this program.

What is it like to be an international student?
– It has been an incredible experience for me to study at Uppsala University. In addition to the excellent standard of education, I have been exposed to people from many different countries which has helped broaden my vision.

Do you remember your first impression with Uppsala? Please tell!
– The first time I visited Uppsala was to participate in the orientation ceremony that was organised by the university at the University Hall. The city, with its cobble-stone streets, felt serene and cosy. But the University Hall, in all its magnificence, looked right out of a fairy-tale.

Describe the student life.
– Student life is fast and busy because you are always learning new things. But the study schedule is regularly punctuated with moments of leisure and enjoyment. One such instance is that “fikas” are held regularly and are often arranged by the department. Such arrangements give students some of their best memories with friends.

Do you have any tips for future students?
– Study hard, make friends and don't hesitate to ask for help. Try to figure out early on what you would like to do in the future and try to do your student projects in similar areas of research. And most importantly, don't forget to have fun!

Two quick questions:
What was your favourite place in Uppsala?
– The Botanical garden.

What was the best place to study?
– The library at Uppsala University, Carolina Rediviva, especially the small rooms that adjoin the main hall. These rooms are a perfect place to study in a group.

Fall 2021


