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Kvalitetsgranskade artiklar

Juvrud, Joshua, Gabriel Ansgariusson, Patrik Selleby & Magnus Johansson. 2021.
"Game or watch: The effect of interactivity on arousal and engagement in video game media." In IEEE Transactions on Games.
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*Baird, Josephine. 2021. “The mislead of The Missing: A queer videogame narrative through misdirection of gameplay, player presumption and storytelling.” Presenteras vid International Conference on Games and Narrative, University of Waterloo, U.K., June 11 - 16, 2021.

*Baird, Josephine. 2021. “The Missing Trans(gender) Subject: Trans exploration, expression and embodiment in videogame-based-learning.” Presenteras vid NordMedia 2021 Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 18–20th 2021

Bowman, Sarah Lynne. 2021. “Games of Personal Horror: Shadow Work in Role-Playing Experiences.” Presenterat vid Monstrosity: The 17th Annual Tampere University Game Research Lab Spring Seminar, April 22, 2021.

*Diaklolambrianou, Elektra, Sarah Lynne Bowman, Josefin Westborg, och Josephine Baird. 2021. “The Therapeutic Potential of Live Action Role-playing Games: Cognitive Considerations.” Presenteras vid MET Neuroscience & Theatre Therapy, National University of Theater and Film, CINETic Center, Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 May 2021 & Online. Upcoming.


Rusch, Doris C., och Andy Phelps. 2021. The Witch’s Way.
Spela The Witch's Way


Bowman, Sarah Lynne, Kjell Hedgard Hugaas, Áron Birtalan, och Lars Kristian Løveng Sunde (moderator). “Roleplaying for Transformation.” Paneldiskussion vid Knutepunkt 2021 Magic Book (online), March 13, 2021.


Bowman, Sarah Lynne, och Kjell Hedgard Hugaas. 2021. “The Batman Effect: Unlocking Your Inner Superhero.” Workshop vid Knutepunkt 2021 Magic Book (online), March 13, 2021.

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Bowman, Sarah Lynne, och Kjell Hedgard Hugaas. “Magic is Real: How Role-playing Can Transform Our Identities, Our Communities, and Our Lives.”, March 9.


Kvalitetsgranskade artiklar

Rusch, Doris C., och Andrew M. Phelps. 2020. “Existential Transformational Game Design: Harnessing the ‘Psychomagic’ of Symbolic Enactment.” Frontiers in Psychology (November 4).
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Phelps, Andy, och Doris C. Rusch. 2020. “Navigating Existential, Transformative Game Design.” I Proceedings from DiGRA ’20 – Proceedings of the 2020 DiGRA International Conference: Play Everywhere: 1-4.
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Baird, Josephine. 2020. “The Mechanics and Misdirection of The Missing: Trans Exploration, Expression and Embodiment in Videogame-Based-Learning.” Presenterat vid FROG: Future and Reality of Gaming 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Linnamäki, Jori. 2020. “An Approach to Board Game Design that Centres Allyship and Empowers Trans People.” Presenterat vid FROG: Future and Reality of Gaming 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Linnamäki, Jori, och Josephine Baird. 2020. “A Reflection on the Ethical Decision-making Process during Participatory Game Design with and for Vulnerable Populations.” Presenterat vid Gender Studies Conference 2020: Reclaiming Futures, Tampere University, Finland.

Rusch, Doris, och Andy Phelps. 2020. “Games of the Soul.” Presenterat vid FROG: Future and Reality of Gaming 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Sihvonen, Tanja, Harrer, Sabine och Khattab, Mona. 2020. "Narrative Transformations and Cultural Appropriation. Placemaking in Assassin’s Creed: Origins Discovery Tour Mode." Presenterat vid FROG: Future and Reality of Gaming 2020, Vienna, Austria.

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