Introduction to Bianca: Handling Sensitive Research Data

Overview and schedule

Are you just beginning to work with sensitive data in your research? If yes, welcome to a 1-day introduction to handling sensitive data on the UPPMAX cluster, Bianca. We will tell you about NAISS-SENS, how to login to Bianca, transfer files via wharf, basics of the SLURM workload manager and the module system.

This is a workshop is intended for beginner users of Bianca.

You do not need to be a member of a NAISS-SENS project in order to join the workshop. A SUPR course project will be available to all participants. The workshop will consist of both lectures and exercise sessions.

Prerequisites: none.

When: Monday, December 11, 2023.
Time: 09:00 - 12:00, and 13:00 - 16:00.
Where: online via Zoom. Connection details will be sent to registered participants.

Login help session: Thursday, December 7, time: 11:00 - 12:00.

Registration form (closed)

Tentative schedule

  • Introduction
  • Intro to NAISS-Sens
  • Login: Thinlinc
  • Command line intro specific to Bianca
  • Module system
  • Intro to transfering files to and from Bianca
  • Compute nodes and slurm
  • Summary
  • Q/A

Course material (to be updated)

Other information

Please contact Diana Iusan if you have questions about the UPPMAX courses and workshops.

Other information

Please contact Diana Iusan if you have questions about the UPPMAX courses and workshops.


