Security and safety at English Park Campus

If something serious has happened or if you feel unsafe on the premises, you can call the university's emergency number 018-471 2500. It is manned around the clock.

The university's emergency number is used when there is a risk of or confirmed:
- serious personal, environmental or property damage
- damage to the good reputation and profile of the university or its own activities
- serious impact on the institution's or university's activities

If there is a need for emergency security support

- your name
- your location (Uppsala University, Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen)
- "We need security support immediately due to...."

Crisis and emergency numbers

If there is an urgent danger to life, health or property, call (00) 112.


at the Service Centre in building 3, entrance 3H/3R
at the Humanities Theatre in building 22, entrance 3C
at the entrance in building 16, entrance 3L
at the entrance in building 1, entrance 3B
at the Ihre Hall
at the Geijer Hall
at the entrance of building 4

First aid-kit

At the Service Centre in building 3, entrance 3H/3R
At the Humanities Theatre in building 22, entrance 3C.


In the event of an evacuation alarm in the English Park Campus

If an evacuation alarm sounds, leave the building calmly, close all doors behind you and gather at the assembly point. Evacuation plans are available in each building and on each floor, showing evacuation routes and the assembly point.

It is important that no one is left standing next to the building, but everyone should make their way to the assembly point (the emergency services may need to come close to the building with their emergency vehicles).

The emergency services will let you know when it is safe to go back inside. Until then, everyone should stay outside.

Things to consider in case of fire

  1. WARN the neighbourhood
  2. SAVE but not in case of danger to your own life
  3. ALERT 112
  4. EXTINGUISH the fire if possible
  5. CONTAIN the fire
  6. NEVER take the lift - take the stairs via the emergency exit.

Environment and safety contacts

Contact persons for questions about environment and safety at Engelska Parken:

Manager: Anders Sjöborg
Tfl Intendent: Susanna Von Der Pahlen
Fire protection: Lars Östman
Environment and waste: Lars Östman
Chief safety officer: Fredrik Movitz

For non-emergency damage or problems with the property that are discovered during working hours, call the caretaker on 018 - 471 5001 or e-mail

In case of acute damage or problems with the property outside working hours, contact Akademiska Hus on the emergency number 010 - 557 2400.

