More information on care of a sick child/temporary parental allowance

  • Used whenever a child has fallen ill or when its regular caretakers are ill or otherwise unable to care for it.
  • Can be transferred to another person in case neither of the parents can take the time off, for instance to gainfully employed grandparents or another person.
  • A medical certificate is required from Day 8. The certificate is registered at Försäkringskassan, and should not be submitted to your employer.
  • Can be paid out for a maximum of 120 days per child and year.
  • Can be paid out for a maximum of 60 days per child and year when the regular caretaker falls ill.
  • The main rule is that you may receive compensation for vab up until the child is 12 years old. The lower age limit is 8 months.
  • More information regarding care of a sick child at Försäkringskassan


If you need to be on leave to take care of a sick child, you must notify your manager. When you are back on duty, self-report your leave of absence in Primula.

Apply for temporary parental leave for care of a sick child (vab).

Temporary parental benefits

Temporary parental benefits are paid out by Försäkringskassan, and you must apply for this compensation yourself.

Information and application for temporary parental benefit (Försäkringskassan's website)

If your income is above the price base amount calculated by Försäkringskassan, Uppsala University will complement your benefit based on your income above the base amount ceiling. The compensation can be paid out at a maximum of 10 working days per annum and is paid out automatically when a salary deduction is made for the days you register leave for care of a sick child (vab) in Primula.

Withdrawl of temporary parental benefits

To withdraw your leave, send an e-mail to the Payroll Unit,, stating that you were not on leave on the day in question.

