Booking - Studio Blåsenhus

If you would like to book time in the studio, we recommend using the online form for a quicker response. Are you interested in what the recording studio Blåsenhus has to offer, wish to arrange a visit or have a question regarding your booking, please feel free to send us a mail to:

Who can use the recording Studio Blåsenhus?

The studio is available to all personnel at the university and can be used free of charge for educational and research purposes.

Here's how it works

  1. Send in your booking request via the online form. All bookings are preceded by a consultation meeting.
  2. You will meet one of the pedagogical advisers to discuss the best form for your recording and what your needs are. Dates and times for the recording will be decided together and confirmed at this meeting.
  3. You record your material in the studio with the support of our studio technician. Directly after recording you will be given the opportunity to give feedback on your experience.
  4. You receive the completed media file to take with you (via USB) or sent after quick editing.
  5. Once you have had the opportunity to use the recorded material you will be contacted by the pedagogical developer for followup.

