Book a lecture or a workshop

The Language Workshop offers lectures on subjects such as academic writing, oral presentations and academic reading strategies. Teaching staff and student organisations at Uppsala University can make requests for lectures, in English or Swedish. We also offer workshops for students who are working on a writing assignment. To book a lecture or a workshop, please use this booking form.

In order to facilitate the booking process, the Language Workshop offers set time slots for lectures. We are available for lectures and workshops at the following times:

Mondays and Wednesdays 1-4 pm.

Thursdays and Fridays 9-12 noon.

When filling out the form, please suggest a time within these time slots.

Please read our guidelines for booking a lecture or workshop before filling out the booking form.

Guidelines for booking lectures and workshops

We prefer that lectures or workshops are booked by e.g. a programme coordinator or director of studies, rather than by teachers of specific courses or course segments in order to avoid similar lectures being offered several times during the same programme.

Use the booking form on the Language Workshop website to book lectures instead of writing directly to individual lecturers. If one of our teachers has given a lecture previously, we will try to book them for you again.

Lectures and workshops are generally more effective if the course teacher is present during the event and available to answer subject-specific questions.

Please book lectures and workshops well ahead of time. We prioritise requests that are made early. Note also that it is often easier to book lectures or workshops for the second half of the term.

The Language Workshop will send you the contact information of the teacher who has been assigned your booking. You are then responsible for

  • sending information about the time and place for the booking directly to our teacher
  • communicating any changes in the schedule or course plan to our teacher
  • making sure that the teacher from the Language Workshop has access to the lecture room
  • providing our teacher with any relevant information regarding the course or potential writing assignments connected to the lecture or workshop.
  • making sure that a course teacher is present during the lecture or workshop.

A pdf version of the presentation slides can be sent to the course teacher after a lecture. If there are students in need of extra support, we can send the presentation before the lecture.

If a lecture is to be recorded or streamed, please inform us of this when you fill out the booking form.

When preparing for a workshop, please inform us of the approximate number of students as early as possible, so we can schedule the appropriate number of Language Workshop tutors.

Anyone who books a workshop with us is responsible for providing us with information about the assignment that the students will be working on well ahead of time, and for sending us any instructions and other necessary documentation. The students participating in the workshop should receive all information about it from their course teacher or department.

